Monday, July 16, 2007

Comparison of Flea and Tick Medications

Fleas are abundant this time of year, and could be affecting your animals even if you keep them indoors. We are often asked what would be the best flea medication on the market, and have a brief breakdown of the most popular three meds, depending on your needs.

For flea problems, Advantage is definitely the number one choice. It is an excellent choice if fleas are your only problem or worry, as with indoor animals or dogs who rarely leave their own yard.

For combination problems such as fleas and ticks, Frontline would be ideal. It works for both, and if you walk your dog in wooded areas, wild animals frequent your yard, or if your animals are exposed to areas where ticks could be a problem – then Frontline would be the best choice for your pets.

If you have problems or concerns with parasites, such as heartworm, Revolution is the preferred choice. While treatment of heartworm should be discussed with a veterinarian, Revolution will help to prevent heartworm. The parasite is associated with mosquitoes, and if you live in an area with mosquitoes, (which is just about everywhere!) then it is definitely something to consider for your pet’s health.

Talk with your vet before giving medications to your pet, and make sure that they are a safe choice for your cat or dog.


Anonymous said...

I'm keen on once-a-month Revolution for my guys' flea treatments, personally - it takes care of the whole gamut of pest problems, and it's safe to use on greyhounds (a breed that's hyper sensitive to chemicals) and extremely old frail dogs (ditto), which is a real bonus.