Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dog Whisperers are Springing Up Across the Country

Over the past few years, people have become more familiar with the work of Cesar Milan, the country's most famous dog whisperer. But while National Geographic has glorified the field of dog whispering and behavior modification, making it seem like a gift uniquely given to Cesar alone, people are increasingly becoming aware of local dog whisperers throughout the United States.

Most of these dog whisperers have been working in the field for many years, some with well over 20 years experience. Dog whispering, just like horse whispering, has been a form of successful form of behavior modification that involves an understanding of the specific species of animals that these people are working with.

While traditional dog training methods have long been the standard for teaching desired behaviors to dogs, dog whispering methods modify undesired behaviors in your dog. The difference between the methods are as different as night and day, but serve very different purposes.

When it comes to sit, stay, and fetch, dog trainers are usually fully qualified to teach your dog. However, when it comes to behavior problems and issues, such as aggression, fear, dominance, excessive chewing or destructive behavior, you're going to want the expert methods of a dog whisperer. In fact, you'll find that most dog trainers will avoid dealing with aggressive dogs, and encourage other dog trainers to do the same - typically for safety issues, and lack of proper understanding of how to deal with canine aggression.

If you have a dog that could use the expertise of a dog whisperer, there just might be one in your local area. NW Dog Whisperer works in the Portland/Vancouver metro area of Oregon and Washington, but there are many qualified whisperers throughout the nation.